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The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!

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If you want a fulfilling and happy life, your morning routine is the place to start.

In The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod explains the importance of creating a morning ritual consisting of six simple activities that you can utilize to start creating the life you have always wanted.

Rear-view Mirror Syndrome and Isolating Incidences prevent people from reaching their full potential:
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Have you ever considered that the way you think about your life might be the very thing that is preventing you from fulfilling your potential?

The majority of us tend to make decisions based on our past and in doing so suffer from something is known as Rear-view Mirror Syndrome (RMS).

If you are an RMS sufferer, you are trapped in your past life and believe you are still the same old person with limited capabilities.

So when you come across new opportunities, you often turn them down on the grounds that you have never experienced them before.

For example, someone who cannot commit to their partner because of failed relationships in the past probably suffers from RMS.

If you want to create life on your own terms, you need to change the way you think about it. Dwelling on the past and making excuses will only hinder your success.

To start the day well, stop hitting the snooze button and change how you think about sleep:
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So maybe you are convinced that you need to change your life. But where do you start?

Well, first a quick question – did you hit the snooze button this morning?

Many of us would be guilty of this. So what is the problem? Well, hitting the snooze button keeps us from waking with a sense of purpose.

Each time you reach for that button, you are subconsciously saying to yourself that you don’t want to rise to your life, your experiences and the day ahead.

Think about those who suffer from depression. For these people, mornings are often the hardest time of day. When you resist waking up, you reduce your chances of enjoying a satisfying day.

Conversely, if you wake up every morning with a purpose in mind, you will be on your way to crafting a happy life.

If you find that, you are always sluggish in the morning, try changing the way you think about sleep.

Consider this – have you ever woken up completely drained on a special day? Probably not.

If it is your birthday, wedding day or Christmas morning, then no matter if you got only a few short hours of sleep, you likely woke up full of energy and anticipation for the day ahead.

This is because the beliefs we hold about our sleep play a crucial role in how we feel when we wake up.

The problem with most of us is – when you go to sleep thinking “this is way too little sleep, I will feel exhausted tomorrow,” you are spoiling your morning even before you have dozed off.

Change your morning routine to increase your Wake up Motivation Level:

So how do you stop wasting your life in laziness and start fulfilling your potential?

One significant leap you can make is to change your morning routine by raising your Wake up Motivation Level.

This level can be described on a scale of one to ten, where ten means that you are eager to rise and greet the day ahead, and one means you would rather just rollback into bed.

Fortunately, employing just a few basic techniques can make you more alert and give you more of a spark during your morning routine.

First, before heading to bed, you should affirm to yourself that you will rise the next morning feeling refreshed.

If you can get yourself to look forward to the next day somehow, waking up will be a lot less of a chore for you!
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Next, place your alarm clock on the other side of the room to your bed.

This of course means that you will need to actually get out of the bed when it rings in the morning in order to turn it off.

Once you are out of bed and have switched off your alarm, head to the bathroom and brush your teeth.

Doing this will give you a feeling of freshness and help you feel more awake first thing.

By completing these simple steps, you will wake up feeling brighter and prepared for the core practice of the Miracle Morning routine, which we will turn to now.

Practising purposeful silence in the morning will help you fight stress:

It is highly possible that, like most of us, you have a stressed life too. One powerful way to reduce this is to use the first step of the Miracle Morning routine.

This means carving out some time for purposeful silence after you wake up.

One example of purposeful silence is meditation – a popular technique that many people in high-pressure jobs use to combat stress.
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So how can you introduce purposeful silence to your routine? Well, you can try the Miracle Morning Meditation.

Before you start, take a break from your worries and concentrate only on yourself. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit, like a pillow or the couch, and sit cross-legged and upright.

Next, close your eyes or look forward at the floor in front of you. Bring your attention to your breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Breathe slowly and into your belly, not your chest. Then set a pace for your breath – breathe in for three seconds, then breathe out for three seconds. Try to push away any thoughts but if they come, simply refocus on your breath.

Though this may be difficult at first, it will gradually become easier if you practice every day.

Use affirmation and visualization in the morning to start creating your ideal life:

How do we go from a mediocre life to a life that we love and that truly fulfils us?

One way is to look at our self-talk. Our brains are subconsciously programmed by the way we talk to ourselves, but it is possible to alter this by using positive affirmations.

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All of us have constant streams of thoughts in our head which were cultivated by our previous experiences and they can work for or against us, depending on how we use them.

To turn some of your thoughts into positive affirmations, you can follow these steps:
Articulate and note down how you want your life to look in every area.

Clarify your motives by asking yourself why you want what you want and ask yourself what you are committed to doing to get your life there, or even just to get to the next level.

After you have created your affirmation, be sure to read it out loud to yourself at least once a day.
Another important tool to have at your disposal to achieve success is one that many professional athletes use: visualization or mental rehearsal.

You, too, can employ this technique to visualize your ideal life, your dreams and goals.

For example: if you want to write a book, visualize yourself feeling inspired and joyfully writing page after page at your desk.

Your affirmations can help you visualize the answers when you ask yourself questions such as, “What do I want?” “Why do I want it?” and “What am I committed to doing in order to get there?

Morning exercise will keep your body healthy and spur your success:

We often find that we are far too busy to exercise. It seems as though our lives are so packed with activities that we often feel totally depleted in the evenings.
The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, Free book summary of The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, must read book, Learn new skills, get up early morning

So why not try starting the day with some exercise.

Exercise is vitally important to keeping our bodies healthy, so it is a smart idea to make room for it in our lives.

The thing is, we also know that our days will be busy: last minute appointments get scheduled and urgent and unplanned tasks can crop up.

So often we just collapse on the couch at the end of the day, too exhausted to go for a run or workout.

Even though we know exercise is important, we frequently push it to the side. Yet making time for it as part of our morning can really aid our success.

For instance, when asked in an interview what the number one key to success was, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur Eben Pagan replied: 

Start every morning off with a personal success ritual.

He then emphasized the value of morning exercise as part of this ritual, explaining how this gets his heart rate up, his blood pumping and his lungs filled with oxygen.


Read and write in the morning to focus on personal growth.

Once you have exercised, it is time to focus on your personal growth as the next stage of your Miracle Morning.

Reading and writing are two significant activities that can help you reflect on your successes and move toward what you want out of life.

A good reading target is, aim for a minimum of ten pages per day.

Personal Message for the blog readers: Make use of all the wonderful books summarized in our blog. This link Via Telegram has all the books in one place, no more excuses please.

This means around 10 to 20 minutes of reading per day, depending on how quickly you read. Surprisingly, this amounts to approximately 3,650 pages a year, which means you will be reading around 18 books a year.
The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, Free book summary of The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, must read book, Learn new skills, get up early morning
Furthermore, re-reading, highlighting or circling useful information makes it easier for you to recall what is of most value to you.

Next up is writing. Why should this be useful to us? Well, writing for just five to ten minutes every morning will accelerate your personal growth.

Writing down your thoughts, feelings and insights, in particular, can be highly beneficial.
By writing each day, you can review what you have learned, gain clarity on your problems and achievements, and acknowledge your progress along the way.

Customize your Miracle Morning to make it fit your own specific needs.
The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, Free book summary of The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, must read book, Learn new skills, get up early morning

If you like, you can use 60 minutes in the morning to prepare yourself for the day and divide the hour in different ways.

For instance, you could do ten minutes of each activity or you could work out for 30 minutes and dedicate five minutes to all the other activities, if you think you would benefit more from the exercise.

Even a few minutes is better than nothing. So if you are stressed out about the thought of adding anything else to your schedule, just take six minutes and divide them as mentioned below:

Minute one – sit in silence; minute two – recite your affirmations; minute three – visualize your day going perfectly;

Minute four - note down some things to be grateful for and what you want to achieve during the day; minute five – read two pages of a book; and finally, minute six – do some push-ups and crunches.

I hope you loved reading this summary! 

Please Note: I have omitted many key points and examples from the book, if you have liked the summary I am sure you will love the book. 

Please go ahead and purchase the book and encourage the publishers. 

Here is the link The Miracle Morning  (👈 LINK) 

Summary of Summary:

The answer to a successful, fulfilling life lies in our morning ritual. 

Let’s get happy about tomorrow! Before you go to sleep, think about what you could look forward to in the next morning.

Are you meeting with a dear friend? Are you simply looking forward to a delicious breakfast? Finding reasons to be excited about the next day will make it easier to get up in the mornings.

Find a Miracle Morning partner. Significantly increase your chances of making a lasting commitment to Miracle Mornings by having a buddy system – you and a partner support one another and hold each other accountable to your new morning habits.

Make it a habit to read regularly, it is food for your mind. The best part about being a community member of ‘Intelligent Investor’ reading is free and within your reach.

This is the 11th best-selling book that we have summarised, by taking this one step you will learn and update yourself regularly and this small habit will help you become a better person, change the old way of living and be more positive towards life over a period of time.


Dear Readers,

This blog is my personal attempt to help you.  If you find this article to be helpful, kindly share it with your near and dear ones.

I would be very glad to hear your feedback, in fact, it will motivate me to continue my journey of, Blog and Teach.

Thanks for reading, I hope you apply some or all the lessons learned and become a better person consistently.

All the best!! 👍👍👍
Cheers 🍹

Intelligent Investor

The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, Free book summary of The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod!, must read book, Learn new skills, get up early morning


  1. Well written Manish. Simple yet hard to adapt certain things in our daily routine. Doing something out of the comfort zone is the only way to success. Changing small habits in our daily routine do make a difference in our life. Will change my one habit today for better.

    1. The first step towards getting better is acknowledging that I need to improve.

      You willingness to improve has already put you ahead of most of the people. Now keep going and do keep me updated.

      and thanks for always encouraging :)

  2. Thank you for this summary:

    Did two things after reading
    1. Ordered the book through Amazon
    2. Created a space, little away from my bed to place my Alarm Clock
    Very well summarized, looking forward to read one book summary every weekend

    1. Dear Sue,

      Its a delight to see you have done the most difficult thing already: ACTION!

      Keep learning and keep winning.

      At this point of time, I summarize one book every two weeks, but you never know. Thanks for your kind words

  3. Reading your summary is a pleasure.. Thank you so much

  4. Thank you! buddy for putting those efforts to summarize and explain in short.

    1. Thank for acknowledging, your kind words keep me going :)



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