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In every human being, there is a limitless reservoir of power, which can overcome any problem, any obstacle, any challenge and achieve any dream. It is the power of your subconscious mind.
The biggest obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image, your self-limiting beliefs, negativity and mental blocks.
The Author Murphy has combined scientific research with spiritual philosophy to create numerous techniques to control the incredible power of the subconscious mind.
Revealing the vast influences on all aspects of existence – money, relationship, jobs, happiness and how you can apply and direct its power to achieve your goals and dreams.
You receive answers to prayer because of mental acceptance about what you pray. The habitual thinking of your thoughts and images that you have consciously or subconsciously, create your destiny.
They are very powerful, most of the time you are not even aware. You can use this power to heal yourself and achieve incredible things. Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follow. You are what you think all day long.

You do not need to go looking outside for the answers you seek. Your subconscious mind has the answer to all your problems. Murphy says to look inside and pose questions to your subconscious.

The answers may not come immediately, but your mind keeps working on the problems you submitted to it even when you are doing other things, and it will eventually present to you a workable solution.
For eg. A magnetized piece of steel will lift about 12X its own weight and if you demagnetize this same piece of steel, it will not even lift a weight of a feather.
A magnetize person who is full of confidence and faith, which achieve much more than and a demagnetized one, full of fear and doubts. 

The biggest secret of the universe is your subconscious mind has infinite power, and most of us don’t even look at it.

It can help you find the right buyer for your house, your ideal mate, your ideal partner, etc. Whatever you paste on your subconscious mind is expressed as a condition, experience and events.

Begin to sow beautiful thoughts of peace, love, goodwill, prosperity, gratitude and you shall reap a beautiful life.


When you constantly repeat words like “I can’t afford that, I am poor” your subconscious mind takes that command and makes sure you won’t be able to buy it.

As long as you keep repeating that you can’t afford the car, or whatever it is, and that you are poor, you will stay that way.
Illness, physical ailments, and even traumatic experiences can be healed by repeatedly submitting thoughts of healing to our subconscious minds.

Your subconscious mind does not understand right or wrong, good or bad it only accepts the commands you give them and follows instructions, like computer software. And it works 24 hours a day without interruption, it does not argue with you, he only follows what you say.

When you say, “There are no good men out there, the good ones are already taken, I will end up single” your mind accepts that command and makes sure keep you single, and if a good opportunity shows up it follows your command in order to protect you.

You have to be very careful with what you say to yourself and what you accept as truth because your subconscious mind will make sure it creates that for you.

FAITH is the only universal principle operating through everybody Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune and it will start to show in your life.

Majority of us have received many negative suggestions about ourselves, not knowing how to neutralize them, we accept it as reality and it shapes the way we are. Such as You can’t, You will fail, You are wrong, It is of no use, You cannot trust anyone etc.

There is no way out, I am lost. If you say “there is no way out, I am all mixed up and confused, why don’t I get an answer to my prayer?” Because you are neutralizing your prayer with negative suggestions.

When you infuse your subconscious with these negative thoughts, it responds accordingly to these suggestions.

You can reject and neutralize all these negative suggestions by giving your subconscious mind constructive suggestions and counteract all those destructive ideas.

We can plant seeds and nurture them, but we should not constantly uncover the soil to see how our seeds are doing, instead, we must keep pulling the weeds and watering the seed, and while that may require a daily investment, it should not take more than a couple of minutes.


A way to convey whatever you want to your subconscious mind is through scientific imagination. Imagination is your most powerful ability.

You are what you imagine yourself to be. What you form in your imagination is as real as any part of your body. The idea and the thought are real and will one day appear in your objective world if you are faithful to your mental image.

It recommended to a man who was suffering from functional paralysis to make a vivid picture of himself walking around in his office, touching the desk, answering the telephone, and doing all the things he ordinarily would do if were healed.

The idea of perfect health would be accepted by his subconscious. When he shifted his attention to the healing power within himself, he started to heal.

Whatever you shall ask in prayer, believe you will receive. 


The best time to impact your subconscious mind is before sleeping and after waking up when you are in a drowsy state of consciousness.

To avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious get into a sleepy state. Imagine the fulfilment of your desire over and over again. For eg. Once an engineer named Ray Hammerstrom doing steel work received a reward for his dream.

The engineers could not fix a faulty switch in a newly installed bar mill which controlled the delivery of straight bars to the cooling beds. They worked late at night but got no success.

This man Ray thought a lot about the problem and went for asleep. Before sleep, he began to think about the answer to the switch problem.

He had a dream in which a perfect design for the switch was portrayed. When he woke up, he sketched his new design according to the outline of his dream. Hence his visionary sleep won Hammerstrom a check for $15000.

If you are having financial difficulties, if you are trying to make ends meet, it means you have not convinced your subconscious mind that you will always have plenty and some to spare. 

You don’t know how to tap your subconscious mind. WEALTH IS A SUBCONSCIOUS CONVICTION on the part of an individual.

Poverty, in most cases, is a mental disease. Additionally, one of the primary reason many people do not have more money is that they are silently or openly condemning it. Sometimes they don’t even realize they are doing it.

Money is a symbol of exchange. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy. When people start to hoard money, to put it away in boxes and become full of fear of losing it, they become economically ill.

Once a man-made affirmation like: “I am prosperous, I am wealthy" however, it didn’t work as he felt he is lying to himself. He made statements when he knew it wasn’t true. His statements were rejected by the conscious mind and the very opposite of what he claimed was manifested.

Your affirmations succeed best when it is specific and when it does not produce a mental conflict or argument. Your subconscious mind accepts what you feel to be true and not just idle words. The dominant idea or belief is always accepted by the subconscious mind.


Be bold enough to claim that it is your right to be rich and your subconscious mind will honour your claim.

Stop condemning people who are successful, who are rich. Bless these people and their success. When you condemn, it creates a deficiency in your life.
Aim higher, be bolder. Bless prosperity and you will have more, regardless in what form or who has it. Whatever you bless it expands in your own life. 

Stop condemning yourself with destructive affirmations about yourself, your finances or your future. You can repeat affirmations like:
 “Wealth is always circulating and expanding in my life”
 “I am getting wealthier every day”
 “Wealth is flowing to me now”
 “Whatever I do I prosper”
I like money, I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life.

I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied miraculously. Money flows to me in abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my good and the riches of my mind.”

Specialize in some particular branch of work and know more about it than anyone else. Give your time and attention to this chosen speciality.

Make sure that whatever you desire is not selfish; it must benefit humanity.

Make a habit of giving thanks for your blessing, when you wake up, during the day and before going to sleep. Additionally, pray for peace, happiness, and prosperity for all the members of your family, associates, partners, all people everywhere.

The more thankful you feel about your life the more the doors open for more prosperity and abundance. 

Rejoice in the success, promotion, and good fortune of the other. In doing so, you attract good fortune to yourself.

You grow old when you lose interest in life when you cease to dream and to search for new worlds to conquer.

When your mind is open to new ideas, new interest, and when you raise the curtain and let in the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the universe, you will be young forever.

Make sure that your mind never retires and stay young in spirit forever.

I hope you loved reading this summary! 

Please Note: I have omitted many key points and examples from the book, if you have liked the summary I am sure you will love the book. 
Please go ahead, purchase the book, and encourage the publishers. 

This wonderful book has been summarized, by a very good friend. Here is a brief note about the writer:

Neha Desai

She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and holds a Master's in Management with a focus on Human Resource from Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research. 

Her passion is Organization development.

A "perfectionist" in her work with keen "attention to details". You can connect with her on 

LinkedInNeha Desai  ( 👈 LINK)


  1. Very informative and motivated blog.

  2. I just finished reading this book last month. Really I must say it has fantastic expectations regarding the topic and you will discover what heights can we reach. I wi recommend that everyone must read it.

  3. Nice work. Kept it simple and yet the best is brought out.



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