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To live a full life, you must nurture your mind, body and soul, and this requires material wealth.

Almost everyone wants to be rich. People who don’t have money want to acquire it and people who do have it worry about losing it.

There are those who might try to put this desire for wealth in a bad light, but, actually, it’s only natural.

The three core components of your life are your mind, body and soul, and to live a successful, happy life, you need to nurture them equally, which requires certain material goods.

For instance, you cannot fully celebrate your body if you can’t afford good food, comfortable clothing and a safe, cozy place to sleep.

Similarly, you can’t enjoy your mind without books, education and other intellectual stimulation.

And, finally, you cannot celebrate your soul without love and the means to show love to others. This last one may seem odd, but here’s the fact of the matter:

Love is most often demonstrated by a desire to give material gifts. In other words, someone with nothing to give cannot enjoy love or relationships to their fullest potential.

Thoughts are the primary source of creation, but gratitude is what keeps it going.

What do you think the first step to getting rich is? Is it buying stocks? Starting a company?

Actually, the initial step begins with something much more fundamental: your thoughts. Thoughts are everywhere, and by moving your thoughts upon the Original Substance, you can cause the object of your thought to be created.

That’s how everything on Earth was created; everything you can perceive in nature, including the sky and the universe, is the product of thought in the Original Substance.

That’s why, it is said, imagine using the power of thought, and you can bring it to creation.
As you do so, remember that God wants you to become rich so that you can better help others. You are a creator, not a competitor, which means your goal is to get whatever you want in a way that helps and elevates everybody else as well.

For instance, God wants musicians to have the best instruments so that they can create music that will also inspire others to strive for greatness.

This all being said, it is not enough to just believe in Original Substance and hope that it will give you all you need. You also need to live by the Law of Gratitude.

This is a natural principle that states that the more grateful you are for the Substance, the more you will attract good things.

So if you are a talented musician but cannot afford to buy a new guitar, rather than complaining about it, be grateful for the guitar you already have. Know that, in time, the Original Substance will provide you with greater opportunities and better tools.

Focus your mind on what you want and don’t worry about other people.

Now that you know that you can attain your desires through the power of thoughts, it is time to learn how to think the right way.

To get it started, use your imagination with a clear and specific picture of what you want and a strong purpose to obtain it. For example, say you want a house. Picture it in all its details. How big is it? What are the rooms like?

From there, keep this clear picture in your mind, like a sailor who harbours a thought of the port where he intends to anchor.

In addition to the image and purpose, you must also have a powerful faith that you can attain whatever you want. It is there for you and that you need only reach out and grab it.  

Once you have learned how to think correctly, then you can use your will to maintain this thinking and move forward on your path to riches. However, one should remember, on this journey, use your will upon yourself, not on anybody else.

After all, you cannot know what is good for anyone but yourself. Never force someone to work for you, and never take things from others through manipulation. The former is a form of enslavement; the latter, of theft.

If you want that big house, your only route is to imagine living in it until it becomes yours. Ignore those who tell you that you’re too poor to afford it and keep the clear image of success in your mind.

(This is the most important point, read it more than once. The same point is strongly advised in the Law Of Attraction, one of the most powerful universal law. We personally recommend it, if you want further clarification, we are available for limited discussion)

Acting in the present, in harmony with your faith and purpose, will bring about the future you desire.

Alright, so the power of thought is an incredibly powerful tool for creating your own reality. But action is still required to get things moving. While your thoughts can attract the things you want, only your actions will make them truly yours.

Because you cannot act in the past or in the future, the present is the only moment you have got, so you better act now. That means, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, you have got to act to prepare yourself for the future you want.

If you merely invest energy in visualizing your ideal future and do nothing to work towards it, success will never actually materialize.

It is common for people to stall here because they believe their environment is not right for the action they want to undertake. If you find yourself facing this problem, there is a simple solution:

Just change your environment or improve it through your own actions. In other words, use your present environment as a tool to arrive at a more hospitable one.

It is also important to do make the most of the 24 hrs we get, so you make quick progress, but without overworking yourself. Doing your best does not mean completing ridiculous number of tasks every day, but instead applying all of your faith and purpose to make consistent progress toward your personal goals.

Many people make the mistake of spending their mental energy in one place and their physical energy in another. But if you concentrate your whole being, mental and physical, on whatever act you engage in, then every action will be successful.

Having such successes will then attract further success and, pretty soon, you will get into a rhythm.

So if you already know that you want to earn more money, do not procrastinate. Start working toward your goals today and believe that you will eventually succeed.

Using your talents will help you to grow and inspire others to do the same.

Have you ever been really good at something that you also really like doing?

If yes, you know what an incredible feeling it is, and you would probably agree that every person should strive for such an experience.

Finding the sweet spot where talent and enjoyment intersect will help you perform better, thereby helping you succeed. And what could be better than getting rich while doing what you love?

To get started, develop your skills. For instance, if you have a desire to paint, you must first develop your existing skills by consistently working on it and learning from people better than you. Because you have some inbuilt talent, you will learn faster than other and this will eventually make you better than everybody.

Whichever the field you choose, you must have faith, that you will achieve the kind of advancement that everybody strives for. This desire to increase pervades the universe; every little thing seeks advancement and development.

And by having faith in what you do, you will give the impression of increase, which, in turn, will attract more genuine increase.

This is why doctors and teachers, who are often filled with faith in the importance of their work, are loved by their clients, and this attracts more for them.

Just follow the desire to do what you most love doing and know that you are advancing personally. If you can manage that, there is no end to the success you can enjoy.

I hope you loved reading this summary!

Please Note: I have omitted many key points and examples from the book, if you have liked the summary I am sure you will love the book. 
Please go ahead, purchase the book, and encourage the publishers. 
Here is the link  The science of Getting Rich(👈 LINK)



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