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Attitude Is Everything - Jeff Keller

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Attitude Is Everything - Jeff Keller

Change your Attitude… Change your life!

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The Author “Jeff Keller” teaches us how our attitude influences every aspect of life and how can you change your life by changing your attitude? 

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It refers to an enlightening, inspiring, and practical guide for gaining control of your career and your life by ridding yourself of negative attitudinal baggage, building positive attitudes, and then turning them into actions to help you achieve your dreams.

YOU are not what you think you are. However, what you think – YOU ARE! – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


Without having a general idea about “Attitude”, it is difficult to grasp the core concepts of this book.

Most people associate Attitude with Ego.

When people say that a particular person has an attitude, what they mean to say is that he has an immense ego or considers himself more important than others.

Attitude, on the other hand, means a person’s behaviour towards situations or the way he reacts to the circumstances.

Your attitude is your window to the world. - Jeff Keller
You may see through the filter of optimism (the glass is half-full) or through the filter of pessimism (the glass is half-empty).

A person with a positive attitude thinks about possibilities while a person with a negative attitude thinks about limitations.


We all start with a clean mental window.
I mean, when you are a kid you do not have tricks or beliefs up your sleeves.
By the time you grow up, life throws all sorts of dirt on this window. It becomes filthy.
Just imagine yourself driving a vehicle in the fog; you do not see things as they are.
The same thing happens with this window.

How do you clean this window?

Well, there is no right way. You have to experiment yourself and figure it out. Nobody else can do it for you.
Like the attitude of a child who is learning to walk when he stumbles and falls down does not frown or blames the carpet. Rather he smiles gets up again and makes another attempt until he gets it right.
His window is unconditionally clean and he feels like he can conquer the world.
The good thing is you always have the choice to choose your attitude.

What do you get after cleaning this window?

It is the foundation to maximize your potential.

You are A Human Magnet That Attracts Situations and Opportunities


Our thoughts dominate our lives.
If life is a car, then thoughts are the driver.

Our thoughts when nurtured become beliefs, our beliefs when nurtured become habits, and our habits determine our external circumstances.

By thinking about what you want to accomplish, you attract favourable circumstances.
To sum up, if you think about your goals and take action in the proper direction, you will achieve results.
How do you change your thinking?

Here are two actionable tips to change your thinking:
Tip 1: Every day read some positive and uplifting books (Here is the free link to all the wonderful books we have summarized via Telegram

Tip 2: Listen to motivational audio programs or podcasts regularly. 

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Here is a classic example of Dr. Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist who went through hell on earth. He endured years of horror as a prisoner in the Nazi death camps.
His father, mother, brother and his wife died in the camp. While Dr. Frankl managed to survive in spite of suffering from hunger, cold and brutality.

This happened only because of his positive attitude towards the situation. He rightly said, everything could be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. The survival was the result of an inner decision taken by him


You must have the Vision to achieve the Goal

You need to visualize your dreams. Because of our mind always thinks in images.
To make it more effective, try to involve all your senses during visualization.

Is it possible to choose mental images?

Yes, it is. Take the responsibility of your mental images. Because if you don’t, your mind will play random movies from your mind’s archive.

For example, Picture your way to Sales success as in think about the prospects, see how you encounter, visualise yourself explaining the benefits, offerings provided, see the prospect involvement and interest in the product and ultimately the successful outcome to your meeting.

Therefore, by mentally rehearsing and running successful outcomes through your mind, you are paving the way for success in your sales career.

Why should you make commitments?

When you commit to accomplishing your goals, you begin taking the necessary steps and attract people and opportunities necessary to achieve your goals.

You may get failures, for instance.

Unless you have a burning desire to achieve your goal, you will not be able to overcome temporary failures in your path.

So commit and bounce back on any obstacle that hinders you in achieving your goal.

Here I would like to share an example of a dear friend, who learnt about the power of a positive attitude and other success principles and was committed to sharing the information with others who could benefit from it.

However, he had no idea about where and how to start. He started writing motivational blogs that reached hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe. 

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He made sure to remove some time from his busy schedule each day and write the blog. Gradually the response started increasing. This happened because of his commitment to sharing these principles with others and had a positive attitude towards his goal. 

Everyone hates problems!

Problems SUCK right.
However, wait… Do you know a problem might not be a problem at all?


A problem can bring out your hidden potential or it can give you a different perspective.
For instance, a problem may point out an adjustment one can make to improve certain conditions in your life. Without the problem, one would have never taken this positive action.

If someone lost his or her job and then went on to start a successful business. They would tell you, if they did not lose their job, they would have never started.

What started as adversity, ended up as an excellent opportunity.

The words you consistently select will shape your destiny - Anthony Robbins
Words affect your state of mind, beliefs, and character.
Observe the words you use in key areas of your life like relationships, finances, career, health, etc
Which words should you choose to speak then?

Let us be clear, it is entirely up to you which words you choose.
The only point here is, you should speak only those words which are positive and supportive of your goals.

For Example, if someone says he is not doing well in sales or hate sales calls and repeats this often in his self-talk and discussion with others.

This strengthens his beliefs and in the sales example, he develops the belief that he is not to be successful in sales and won’t earn more money.

This is embedded in his subconscious mind. Hence, he does not perform well leading to poor results. 

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The more negative reinforcement, the more negative results.

It is a vicious cycle, the whole process would have been different if he would have selected positive thoughts and reinforced them with positive words so the beliefs and the actions he would have to wind up with an outstanding results.

However, note that…choosing positive words does not mean that you should avoid negative words.

One must always appreciate constructive criticism.

You accomplish nothing when you complain.

On the contrary, complaints work against you, here is how:

·       No one wants to hear your problems; everybody already has his fair share.
·       Complaining only reinforces your pain and discomfort.
·       It only diverts you from your goals and wastes your precious time.

When it starts raining, people say “What a lousy, miserable day?” they program themselves in a negative way.

Furthermore, the complaints about the weather will not change the conditions. It simply makes no sense to get upset about things which are not in our control and which has no significant impact on our life. 

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When you build connections with the right people, you open up new possibilities.

This works wonders when you are trying to expand your business or wish to acquire more clients.

After all, humans are social species, we love to connect with others and seek opportunities to grow ourselves.

We meet many people in our life. Some have absolutely NO goals in life, while some others have goals.

Now it is our choice to connect with people who want to achieve something in life. Spending time with positive people starts making us feel better and develop a great attitude.

We begin to do meaningful and productive things in our life.

Nothing happens by itself. It will all come your way once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions - Ben Stein

Never fear failures, instead, embrace them and make your way out of them.

When you face your fears, you push yourself, improve your self-esteem, and therefore lead an exciting life.

If you are not getting the desired results and feel discouraged, ask yourself these questions:

Am I committed enough?
Have I set realistic goals with appropriate deadlines?
Do I have too many discouraging influences? 

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For example:
A woman named “Dottie Burman” sets an example by breaking the comfort zone. She was a teacher in New York. She always wanted to go into show business.

While working as a teacher she began to write songs and perform them. One fine day she took a decision to retire from teaching and pursue a new career as a performer.

Then the terror really hit her. She was so scared about venturing into the unknown that she withdrew her resignation and went back to teaching.

However, something inside would not let her dream die. After a few months, she confronted her fear and retired. Dottie in her 50’s developed and performed her own one-woman musical show.

The show was based on her fears of leaving a secure teaching job to go into business. Later 60’s she released her CD ”I’m in love with my computer”, a collection of witty, inspirational songs.

Bravo, Dottie, for confronting her fears and inspiring us to follow our dreams.

It was fun to read this book. It beautifully explains why a positive attitude is essential in each aspect of our life.

Moreover, Jeff has provided real-life examples throughout the book that helps the readers to understand the lessons effectively.

I hope you loved reading this summary! 

Please Note: I have omitted many key points and examples from the book, if you have liked the summary I am sure you will love the book. 
Please go ahead, purchase the book, and encourage the publishers. 
Here is the link Attitude Is Everything - Jeff Keller  (👈 LINK) 

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Unleash the potential within you by, Thinking, Speaking and Acting

Think – Success begins in the mind. The power of attitude can change your destiny.
Speak – Watch your words. How you speak can propel you towards your goals.
Act – Do not sit back. Take active steps to turn your dreams into reality.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Attitude Is Everything - Jeff Keller


This wonderful book has been summarized, by a very good friend. I have shared it as a guest blog. Here is a brief note about the writer:

Neha Desai

Attitude Is Everything - Jeff Keller

She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and holds a Master's in Management with a focus on Human Resource from Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research. 
Her passion is Organization development.

A "perfectionist" in her work with keen "attention to details". You can connect with her on 

LinkedInNeha Desai  ( 👈 LINK)


  1. Well articulated!! It can help change many perspectives in day to day lives of people who embrace this thinking. Great work

  2. Thanks for your kind words. This will help us in writing more blogs.

  3. Thank you very much for your kind words that inspire and give the way to think big.



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